Special Discounts and Offerings
We are currently offering a variety of different discount specials. Check your front door for our door hangers and watch for specials in local publications. Feel free to call us anytime to ask about our current specials.
Referral Program
We would like to express our appreciation to our customers. We realize that our customers are our best source of advertising. With this in mind, we have created a Referral Incentive Program to say "thanks" to our customers. Do you have neighbors, friends, family, co-workers or business associates who have properties in our service area and are unhappy with their current landscape contractor or just want quality services? Tell them about our landscape services and have them mention your name when they call us for a quote or request a quote on a 1 year lawn maintenance agreement. If your referral signs up for a maintenance agreement you earn a referral credit (
1 Free mowing) and they earn a new customer credit.
* Coupons are for New clients only.
* Redeem one time per new client.
* Not valid with any other coupons, specials, or offers.
Contact Information
LawnGreen Solutions, LLC
We provide services throughout Northern Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC metro areas.
Phone 1: (888) 973-7489
Fax No.: (571) 748-4232
Email: info@lawngreensolutions.com
Licensed & Insured